Our system is located in the center of the state with the boundaries of the borough defined by the confluence of our two beloved rivers. The borough encompasses half a square mile in size. The borough supplies water service to its residents through a water filtration plant located on the eastern side of town. And the Borough Manager is responsible for the water filtration system operations.
At the beginning of the year the Rural Water Circuit Rider visited our borough to provide assistance. During the visit, the Borough Manager explained that our filtration plant was not operating optimally. During the filter-backwashing cycle, the filter bed was not being cleaned properly. The Circuit Rider suggested to fully service both filters, focusing on the surface wash. Since our operator had never done this maintenance, the Circuit Rider scheduled a date to return and train us to perform this maintenance to our water filters. A few weeks later the Circuit Rider did return and helped us to clean and service the filters. This included draining the filter, cleaning the filter, adding media to the filter, as well as removing and replacing the surface wash nozzles. After servicing the filter, the system was put back into service and the same procedure was then completed on our second water filter.
After servicing both water treatment filters, the effluent water quality was greatly improved. So we are now is able to complete a filter service anytime in the future without costly contractor fees. Also by cleaning and servicing the filters, we will not have any compliance issues due to reduced effluent water quality. The Circuit Rider saved us from hiring an engineer or treatment operator to troubleshoot the water treatment issue, hiring a company to service and clean the filter, and any compliance violations from improperly maintained filters. The savings was estimated to be $4,000.